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The Dragon War

Created Thursday 02 April 2020

The Dragon War was Fantasy Era conflict between the newly formed Second Alliance for Freedom and the vile one's Draconic Alliance. The war was fought from 1860 to 2102 TEC.


At the end of the Time of Peace, the vile one made another effort to destroy the life on Etheros.

Timeline Excerpt

The corruption of the vile one affected the races in different ways. Some were relatively (but not completely) unaffected, a category which is shared under three of the four alliance races. The one exception is that of the dragons. The dragons were unique to the races of Etheros in their yearning to spread around the world, primarily to spread their knowledge of the arcane. It is for this reason that the dragons were affected by the plots of the vile one. The dragon’s widespread nature meant there were, indeed, many that remained unaffected, however there were also many that were deeply affected. All those affected varied in specific ways, and it would be misleading to say that none were affected. Each variation in their being and their character could be exemplified in their color. Those who were relatively unaffected maintained the metallic coloration that was shared by all dragons originally, while those who were affected most deeply gained a chromatic coloration. Those most deeply affected came to be known as the chromatic dragons, whose subcategories are as follows: black dragons, blue dragons, green dragons, red dragons, and white dragons. Those unaffected came to be known as the metallic dragons, whose subcategories are as follows: brass dragons, bronze dragons, copper dragons, gold dragons, and silver dragons. It was at this time that the chromatic dragons were fed information by the vile one. They were lied to, and were told that the people of Etheros plotted to use their newfound knowledge of magic to stage a mass slaughter of the dragons, and that the only way to stop them is to destroy all life. These dragons, now much more prone to manipulation, swore an oath to protect their race by destroying all others. The vile one promised their own army of monsters to assist in the effort. It was the first attack on the free people of Etheros by the evil alliance that marks the beginning of the Dragon War. Upon learning of these attacks, another alliance was formed, similar to the one of old, though this time only the metallic dragons took arms with the humans, elves, and dwarves. For 250 years they fought for the freedom of Etheros and their people, until finally the alliance of good prevailed, and all the chromatic dragons were either killed or fled into isolation. This victory was bittersweet, however, for the metallic dragons, who felt pity and guilt for the chromatic dragons, a race once among their families. The metallic dragons, then, also fled to isolation, to live out their days considering the events of the war.