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Kolo Farr

Created Sunday 26 September 2021

Kolo farr was a nonaddictive psychoactive drug derived from the kolo plant, a native plant to [planet name]. Kolo farr was unique among the drugs of Eros for its strong effect and long-term efficacy.


The initial dose of kolo farr was not dissimilar from other psychoactive substances, often causing the user to experience various forms of hallucinations and an intense feeling of euphoria. The effects of the initial dose usually lasted no longer than 3 to 4 hours. What distinguished kolo farr from other psychoactive substances was its later effects. Approximately 10 to 20 years after an initial dose of kolo farr, the effects would return in much greater force. This would cause much more intense and vivid hallucinations, sometimes so much so that the user would become dissociated from reality, and upon coming back out of the effects would go into psychosis.

Those who experienced the initial dose of kolo farr often reported feeling much more comfortable with themselves and their circumstances.



After its initial discovery on [planet name], kolo farr gained significant usage in dance clubs and underground parties. This was prior to the discovery of its long-term effects.


After the discovery of its long-term effects, kolo farr usage greatly dwindled. It wasn't until [person name], an artist and therapist, began using it as a treatment for depression in the elderly and terminally ill that it saw renewed usage. Without concern for the possible long-term effects of kolo farr usage, those with knowledge of their death often found peace with their circumstances through its effects.