Created Sunday 28 March 2021
The Telgaru (singular: Telgarr) were a race originating from the alien minority on Etheros that fled to the planet after the ratification of the Interstellar Travel Act. The race originated as a group of aliens on Etheros that merged into one singular race over [very long time] years.
After the passing of The Interstellar Travel Act, all of the races that could once freely travel between planets and space stations had to retreat to planet surfaces. While most races returned to their home planets, some retreated to alien planets, having established their homes on other planets. This was true with Etheros, which harbored a small alien population. For a time these races remained at peace with humans, but the steady decrease in natural resources on the planet left the alien races targets for genocide. Most of the races were killed, but a few successfully fled to an isolated island. On this island, the alien races found a large supply cache consisting of all resources required to survive for some time. They remained on the island, living off the resources, for a long time. During this time, the once separate races slowly merged into a single race through crossbreeding. This new single race were the telgaru.
Timeline Excerpt
"In the darkness of Etheros, plague, famine, war, and death ravaged the land. Years went by and knowledge of the First Sun became myth, and then disappeared from memory entirely. The people of Etheros knew only the dull reddish gray that occasionally illuminated the black clouds above. Those unlucky enough to live through this time knew nothing but suffering and constant survival.
The human population dwindled, and, like that of the First Sun, knowledge of the alien races that once lived on Etheros fell from memory. Those races had not fallen, though. Those that survived the first wave of genocides either remained to face their deaths or fled to the sea. Most died, but a few, by chance or the will of the gods, landed on a small island. The humans of this time also had boats but had no skill nor stars to guide them, so they were not followed. The island they happened upon was not unknown to those of the time before them and was thought to have been used as a storage station for resources."
"The aliens lived for many centuries ... and in this time the group that was once separated by race became one whole."
Notable Individuals
The individual known as Kyusótiras was a member of the telgaru. They were notable for being the first member of the race born without sex, as well as being the first non-dragon to learn magic since the Fantasy Era. After being trained through youth by the island elder, Kyusótiras was tasked with going back to mainland Etheros to collect resources for the telgaru. After returning with abundant resources, Kyusótiras found the telgaru wiped out by dehydration. Fleeing into the caves of the island, they found a computer within which the consciousness of a dragon was put. The machine then taught Kyusótiras how to perform magic, something that has not happened for hundreds of thousands of years.