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Interstellar Planetary Coherence

Created Thursday 26 May 2022

The Interstellar Planetary Coherence (IPC) (also unofficially called the Interstellar Union [IU], Anadeia Union [AU], or simply "the union") was a political alliance of qualifying lifeforms in known space, and the ruling government of known space from its establishment in [] TEC until its dissolution and replacement by the Kammakan of Houses in [] TEC.


After the discovery of sub-material travel in [] TEC, and humanity's first contact with [alien species] in [] TEC


The IPC was made up of an ever-changing number of member species, constantly varied by the adding and removal of members.

Membership Requirements

The official requirements to join the IPC were split into two categories: biophysical requirements and social requirements. Biophysical requirements were the required capacities of a species to perform certain tasks, while social requirements were the required sentiments and inter-species behaviors for membership. The official requirements to become a member species of the IPC varied wildly throughout its history, leaving only two constants throughout the long history of the IPC: metacognition and the ability to communicate. Several other requrements were added later that remained for nearly the entire duration of the IPC, most notably the necessity for a lack of species-wide intent to unjustly harm other species (the term "unjustly" was intentionally left vague so as to consider such sentiments on a case-to-case basis).